The Difference

The Point Financial, Inc. investment team has over 100 years of combined venture leasing, debt and equity investment experience, and is the principle investor in all of its financial transactions.

PFI’s average client relationship exceeds 8 years, helping to grow its portfolio companies from early stage and difficult to finance credits to rated and bankable credits, all the while bringing down the cost of capital provided as the credit worthiness of the client increases.

Point Financial, Inc. is a family office specializing in providing unique venture leasing, debt and equity investment solutions with a team of actively involved principals. Since PFI leads with its own capital, the client or prospective client will always deal with a chief decision maker who is close with the investment. Although we focus on venture-backed early-staged debt financing, PFI has the ability to quickly and efficiently consider and fund other opportunities based on the needs of the client. PFI’s business relationships are critical to the success of its investments, so our clients as well as our investors are treated with the utmost importance.


Point Financial, Inc. has been involved in the Venture Leasing and fixed asset debt market since January 1988 and has returned every dollar of its investors’ principle along with an average internal rate of return exceeding 12 percent.


We pride ourselves on analyzing each potential venture throughout its development, focusing on its utmost potential to build the best investment scenario possible not only for our investors, but for the future success of our portfolio companies as well.


With over 35 years of experience, Point Financial, Inc. brings to the table a deep understanding of the industry and an impeccable track record of success in underwriting, including never having experienced any bad debt or losses in our investment portfolio to date.


Point Financial, Inc. understands that its partners need to feel confident in their investments with our firm. Which is why we promote transparent practices that allow our investors to clearly see how their capital is being put to work, fostering trust in each of our valuable partnerships. Having used the same accountants since our inception in 1988; We are happy to produce our independently prepared tax returns and financial statements in order to further illustrate our remarkably positive results.


Our practices have been developed to create the most unique and customized financial solutions possible, giving PFI the ability to swiftly and efficiently underwrite in order to fund diverse opportunities based on the precise needs of the client.